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GPhC Pre-Inspection Audit

The Challenge

The General Pharmaceutical Council Inspection visits have changed.  We know that pharmacies are feeling concerned about the new style visit and are worried about who to turn to.

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Initial Consultation

On signing up for the service, you will receive a series of documents to support you in preparing for the pre-inspection audit.  One of our administrators will phone to arrange a time for you to speak with an advisor to run through how to use the documents.  This is important and helps to ensure you get the most from your visit.

The Support

Our advisors will phone and spend around half an hour with you talking about how to get the most from the documents.  We will then arrange a date for your site visit.  This will ideally be 2 weeks after the phone conversation to provide you with time to review the documents in your pharmacy setting.

Our advisor will then spend a full day with you in your pharmacy working through all the evidence you have.  We will also provice guidance on areas where we feel you could improve.  All of this is captured on an action plan and a copy is supplied after the visit.

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Outcomes for your pharmacy

After the visit you will have a full review of your pharmacy.  This will identify areas for improvement, with suggested courses of action as well as acceptable or areas of excellence.  You will then be able to prioritise the areas requiring improvement.

Our advisors are also available for further visits if required.


Quote from Andrew Lane; Alchem Pharmacy, Gloucestershire - April 2015

"The GPhC Pre-Inspection Audit service supported our own management to secure in the words of the Inspector, "Almost a Good” and whilst we are happy for now with “Satisfactory” we understand the process in more depth and know what we need to do to achieve “Good”."

Quote from Sarah Wood; Strachans Pharmacy, Bury - October 2014

“BRR Consulting supported our pharmacy for two weeks and then conducted a mock inspection at our Bury branch in October 2014.  During the visit, the advisor gave constructive and honest advice all the way through, from preparing us for an inspection to going over the inspection report. 

We recently had our formal GPhC inspection in which we received a "good” rating and I believe this is largely down to the preparation we had from the mock inspection and the advice provided.  I cannot recommend this service highly enough."

Full Day Visit

Pre-visit materials emailed to your pharmacy

Pre-visit phone call with pharmacist or superintendent

Full day on-site visit auditing your pharmacy

Full report emailed within 48 hours of visit

Cost £550 (+VAT) including expenses up to 50 mile round trip

Over 50 miles charged at £0.45 per mile

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